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museum cabriniano

The Cabrinian Mission's History

The first showcase on the left shows the Mission in China that the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart worked on for 25 years from 1926 until 1951, founding five Missions. Displayed on the opposite wall are the various homes and missions created in China, dedicated especially to girls, who were often harassed and abandoned. The showcase dedicated to Ethiopia, with gifts received by the Missions. Other meaningful images are displayed on the walls, such as the first flight to Australia with the first ten Missionaries traveling on a plane called "The flying convent"! More images tell of the missions in Brazil, Nicaragua, Argentina, Europe, the United States, and Guatemala, up to the most recent. In the showcases some gifts given to Mother Cabrini are displayed. One section is dedicated to the Hospitals built thanks to Cabrinian efforts. Following are photographs of yesterday and today representing the apostolic activities of the Missionaries in the World. Other memories are represented in the following display cases.